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GPeC – for 13 years, E-Commerce and Premium Online Marketing

For 13 years now, we have brought you the most important E-Commerce & Marketing Online event in Romania and Central and Eastern Europe.

GPeC means two editions of GPeC SUMMIT Conference every year, Speakers and Premium Content, E-Commerce Expo, MasterClasses, Workshops, Networking with over 2.000 participants annually, the Online Shops Competition, E-Commerce and Online Marketing Courses, Community, useful Resources for all those working in E-Commerce and, of course, the eCommerce Awards Gala – The Award Ceremony for the Romanian Online Commerce industry.

Check out our story, learn about our beginnings and what we have achieved in our 13 years of existence with you. You are part of GPeC! #GPeC13Years #CraftedToInspire

Learn more about GPeC

Mind-blowing referrences about the GPeC events

    Neil Patel CrazyEggivan-mazourSimo-AhavaChris Goward WiderFunnelBryan EisenbergCatalin Cretu Visa RomaniaGeno Prussakov Affiliate MarketingAndre Morys Web ArtsJohn Ekman Conversionista!
  • Neil Patel
    Co-Founder CrazyEgg & KISSmetrics is looking forward to meeting you at GPeC Summit May 2015!
  • Ivan Mazour
    CEO & Founder Ometria is looking forward to meeting you at GPeC Summit Bucharest
  • Simo Ahava
    Senior Data Advocate Reaktor is looking forward to keynote at GPeC Summit!
  • Chris Goward
    President & Founder WiderFunnel - despre participarea la GPeC si motivele pentru care nu trebuie sa ratezi nicio editie a GPeC Summit (in video - referire la editia 2014)
  • Bryan Eisenberg
    Conversion Optimization Expert & Best-selling Author - despre participarea la GPeC 2010 si despre GPeC Summit 2014
  • Catalin Cretu
    Visa Europe Subregional Manager Romania, Croatia, Slovenia - felicitand GPeC pentru aniversarea de 10 ani si pentru contributia constanta in ceea ce priveste cresterea pietei de e-commerce
  • Evgenii 'Geno' Prussakov
    Affiliate Marketing Expert - despre participarea la GPeC si motivele pentru care ne recomanda
  • Andre Morys
    CEO Web Arts & Organizer Conversion Summit
  • John Ekman
    Conversionista! - despre "viitoarea" lui participare la GPeC SUMMIT din noiembrie 2014